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Showing posts with the label Automation

List all AWS IAM roles with their last used date

The following Python script will help to list all the AWS IAM roles with the last used date. If the role is not been used, it will show 'Never used" instead of date. You will require Python3.8 or above to run the script. I prefer to use Tabulate to format the output in to table format. You can format the output in to HTML or even convert in to CSV file too. Let's start the script to list all IAM role and its last used date. import boto3 import time from tabulate import tabulate Once you've imported the boto3, time and tabulate module, let's setup the AWS session using the AWS config profile and region name. session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile , region_name = region ) iam_client = session . client ( 'iam' ) # use paginator if you have long list of IAM roles paginator = iam_client .get_paginator( 'list_roles' ) iterator = paginator .paginate() The following lines will help to setup the header row of the table in the output. In ...

List the AWS Lambda function information

In this blog, I will share the Python script that will help you to list the AWS Lambda function details such as Function name, Function ARN, Run time, Description and Version etc... I will be using Tabulate module to format my output in to table format. If you are new to Tabulate, please visit my previous blog where I have provided details of Tabulate module. The following Python code is written in to Python 3.8 version.  import boto3 from tabulate import tabulate   After importing the Boto3 and Tabulate module, let's setup our AWS session details by providing region and profile name.  profile = "default" region = "us-east-1" session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile , region_name = region ) lambda_client = session . client ( 'lambda' ) response = lambda_client .list_functions() # Get the list of functions lambda_list = response [ 'Functions' ] The following code will help you to setup a Header row in the table  # Setup heade...

List AWS EC2 instance details with Name tag value

In this blog, we will look at how to execute Python script to get the AWS EC2 details like Name tag valie of the instance, Instance ID, Platform, Instance Type, State and its private IPv4 address. You will require Python 3.8 or above to run the the script successfully. Setting up Boto3 Session and client import boto3 # setup profile and region profile = "default" region = "us-east-1" session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile , region_name = region ) ec2_client = session . client ( 'ec2' ) response = ec2_client .describe_instances() ec2_list = response [ 'Reservations' ] # Gather information about EC2 ec2_name = session . resource ( 'ec2' ) instances = ec2_name .instances.all() # This will help to retrieve Tags information Now, let's print the header row. # print header print ( 'Name, Instance ID, Platform, Instance Type, State, Private IPv4' ) Following code will run and collect the information about EC2.   for ...

Python script to list all AWS CloudWatch logs with their retention time

The following Python script will help you to export list of any all the CloudWatch logs with their retention time and size of the log group an AWS account. The script also helps you to save the output within CSV file. #!/usr/bin/env python3.8 #This script will save the list of CloudWatch log group names, their retention time and # size (in MBs) in to CSV file import boto3 import time import csv # Setting up AWS profile and region profile = "default" region = "us-east-1" session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile , region_name = region ) #getting current date and time date_time = time . strftime ( " %d %m%Y_%H%M" ) # setting up file name fname = "CloudWatch-Logs_" ftime = date_time fext = ".csv" filename = fname + ftime + fext # open file to write output with open ( filename , 'w' ) as f :     print ( 'Profile, Region,Log Group Name, Retention Time (in days), Size (in MB)' , file = f )   cw_logs =...

Python Script to list all open Pull requests from AWS CodeCommit repositories

The following Python script will help to export list of any open pull requests from CodeCommit repositories from an AWS account. The output will be saved within CSV file. #!/usr/bin/env python3.8 # This script is used to find out any open pull requests from all the repositories # from an account and write output to the csv file # Importing boto3, csv and time module import boto3 import csv import time # Setting up AWS profile and region profile = "default" region = "us-east-1" session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile , region_name = region ) repo_client = session . client ( 'codecommit' ) repos = repo_client .list_repositories(     sortBy = 'repositoryName' ) repo_list = repos repo_name = repo_list [ 'repositories' ] # Getting current date and time date_time = time . strftime ( " %d %m%Y_%H%M%S" ) # Setting up file name fname = "Open_PullReqsIDs_" ftime = date_time fext = ".csv" filename ...