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Showing posts with the label Server

Converting Ubuntu Core server to GUI - Error: E: Unable to locate package update

Today, I installed a Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS on my test lab. I installed it as a virtual machine on my Hyper-V host. When installation finished, I was presented with the server Core edition. As I am fairly new to Linux OS, I wanted to have Graphical User Interface (GUI). I went on Internet to find a way to convert my Core server to GUI. I learnt that I need to install ubuntu-desktop package to have GUI. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop When I ran this command, I got a following error message: E: Unable to locate package update After doing a bit of a research, I found out that I will have to run some more commands to upgrade current package list before trying to install desktop version. I used following command to have GUI version of Ubuntu server. Use following command to upgrade packages installed on your PC or update your all system. When Prompted, type Y and press Enter key. Sudo apt-get upgrade Once you've upgraded your system, run this com...

PowerShell Script: Find out free disk space from multiple servers

Hi All, this is my very first post on PowerShell Script. Today, I am going to share a script that you can use to find out free disk space from multiple servers. You will have to create a Text file and a PowerShell script to accomplish this. Let’s begin by creating a Text file. I have setup a folder on my C: Drive called PS_Script (C:\ PS_Script). I created a Text file, ServerNames.txt, and saved it in C:\PS_Script folder. Use following code to create a PowerShell script and save it as DiskReport.PS1. #Get Current date $currdate = ( Get-Date ) . tostring( "dd-MM-yyyy" ) #Set path for output file $report = "C:\PS_Script\" + "DiskSpaceReport_" + " $Currdate .html" #Run command to get free disk space from multiple servers and export output to HTML file Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DriveType=3" -computer ( Get-Content C:\PS_Script\ServerNames.txt ) | Select SystemName , DeviceID , V...